Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Euphemist

Ever noticed how this one individual gets so much attention?
This one individual is popular and why not!
He does the ballet and the toes all around are safe.
He laughs at it all, saying there’s no harm. After all it’s only comic.
His arm can go round anyone’s shoulder, for the euphemist has no problemo!
His view is liberal, considerate, open-minded, all inclusive and loving. Ah!
You can put him in the confessional and kneel and it’ll feel just O.K.
He can wink at the gals, he can swear with the men. Oh! Come on now!
The night is dusk and the dawn hasn’t changed into day.
Why break someone’s heart, for everyone has feelings?
He’ll rally for the killer’s amnesty,
And when not granted, he’ll light a candle at his grave.
He’ll make his voice heard, just hand him a ‘cause’.
‘Nothings right and nothings wrong’.
Euphemist, euphemist the ever loving tactician,
Your time will run out, and time won’t don your title!
What then, as life ebbs away, will you euphemize away?
Get down on your knees and call it like it is!
Give it the name, smash the façade!
Come clean! While it is today,
And then see the assurance He offers,
For He says “All things are possible to him who believes."
Shed the skin, be the euphemist no more.
No more.

Copyright © 2006 Keith Browne.

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