Monday, October 22, 2007

Forge O

I see you, your smile and your panache
You’re the package deal, that’s you,
Anyone who goes by can’t see through

You’re getting by, you know you are,
You’ve got your hang outs, you’ve got your friends
Thrown in is a nice dose of Christian odds and ends.

When you started out, you couldn’t stop talkin’ about Him,
People knew where you were coming from, identification was a breeze.
And the shortest distance you knew was between the ground and your knees.

Over time, you built a painting around yourself; the colors were vivid and intense.
The paint crust seemed to get thicker, you could tell
But the arrangement wasn’t too bad; in fact it looked pretty darn well.

Your ballet around the Church, around music and Christian talk,
Was well appreciated by everybody and their neighbor
The veneer had been polished to make you look so sure.

He called out your name, but you had your back turned.
You’d come pretty far out to sea and storms were right around the corner.
Why did you feign ignorance my friend? What for?

Don’t you realize there is a simplicity to this love?
Your veneer you need to abandon, your painting you need to wash.
Let go of the cover up, leave it be, let it rot.

Don’t fill your life with mere activity, it won’t cut it
Come clean, be yourself, it’s perfect that way.
He knows you way better than you know yourself, sees you plain as day.

My eyes fill up with tears for you my brother.
I pray you never settle for second best, that’s no good.
I only wish you make the choice when you know you could.

So farewell, our journey together has now come to an end.
Will we meet, perhaps someday, I don’t know when.

I hope the distance from your knees to the ground becomes shorter
That you hold on to Jesus’ words, believing in simplicity and love
I pray that you truly fit into His family, you, me and all of us.

The Lord Jesus guide you. Always.

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Viswas said...


The Postman said...

why do you call it 'Forge O'?

Interestingly the Thesaurus comes out with three options.
Two verbs - falsify and form
and a noun - Furnace

How easily it is to get distracted from pursuing a growing intimate realtionship with the Lord Jesus Christ!?
Whose beckoning do I want to gratify?
How easily, I want to shut out the voice that speaks to my heart, yes for a moment, just a second .... for myself?
and yet I know that Jesus gave all for me and yet I want to be able to give all ... and yet I fall short!!!
Yes Christ in me the hope of Glory. I need the filling of the Holy Spirit. I need God to do a work in me that only He can do and HE will, because He said so, because for this reason He came ... into my life.

littleheartofgrace said...

You have said it in that blinded one becomes in the "rut" of 'trying' to be the ideal Christian..I too was deceived in the same...Praise Jesus He opened my eyes...There are many who are'nt aware of the storms...May the Lord make us more and more sensitive each day....Thanx for such an honest poem..GBU


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